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Writer's pictureTony & Kate Vandemore

Roll Call, it's Fall!

Before we dive into what is unanimously the Vandemores' favorite time of the year (hint: 🦆🍂🍁), we can't go without looking back on one of our busiest - most FUN - summers ever!! The 2019 summer break was jam-packed with travel, family and carefree livin'. Here's a peek!

The summer kicked off with Vivian's Preschool Graduation. How time flies... Seeing our baby girl (literally a baby 2 minutes ago?!) in a cap and gown, singing graduation songs, served as a massive reality check about the quick passage of time. How often people would tell us, holding newborn Vivian, "Don't blink! She'll be graduating college before you know it." We know all too well that's true, and we're holding on to every minute as "the days last forever and the years fly by". At graduation, Vivian proudly exclaimed that she wants to be "famous" and a "Musician". Neither of these things surprise us! The musician thing has changed several times over the course of the summer...not the famous part. 🌟

The Preschool Graduate! May 2019

Following graduation, it was time for Vivian's 5th Birthday...High FIVE! We had her entire class out to celebrate, complete with a bounce house for the Hot Air Balloon themed party. The kids ran and jumped to their hearts' content on that hot June day, and Vivian felt like the special 5 year old she is.

And SO the whirlwind of summer began... With a lake house at the Lake of the Ozarks, the girls are pretty fortunate to spend a lot of their summers down there swimming, boating, fishing and playing. Family visits and quality time with cousins are so important to us, as we don't live near either side of our families. The best time for the girls to solidify their lifelong bonds with cousins is, indeed, the summer! Late nights giggling, early mornings begging to go swimming, and the unending requests for SNACKS and MEALS. How do kids eat so much?! Vivian certainly burns it off as fast as she can take it down, though. The child never stops moving.

As for favorite summer activities, fishing, tractor time and visiting Mr. Danny's farm are a few of Vivian's top hits. She's worked a lot this summer on her casting, and has come very far - especially for a newly minted 5 year old! She has zero fears about holding fish - or their sharp teeth. She's actually not afraid of anything, come to think of it. And it's always a joy to climb on the tractor with Dad, especially since she gets to control the music selections. Of course, no farming day is complete without a visit to Mr. Danny's farm to see the new barn kittens and feed the horses.

And in case you didn't hear...we got a new puppy!!! His name is Kid, and he's Ki's son. Between visiting our new Habitat Flats lodge, The Grand, and taking care of a little pup, our days back home in the summer were pretty busy.

All in all, the girls had a lot of fun this summer...and whether they're old enough to realize it or not, we are so grateful to create these lasting memories for them. There's no replacement for family time!

And we knew that Fall was approaching when it was time to head to Cabela's with Dad for the Fall Hunting Classic! Victoria was much more into the BUCKET of snacks... #Shocker 😂

Summer wasn't quite over yet, but there was still one last special outing... As Victoria demands a huge amount of attention, being the rowdy 1 year old she is, Vivian has been very good about falling to the background. As summer drew to a close, she had been mentioning sadly that she missed "Mommy Time". Well, what's a mother to do, other than a book a special night in Kansas City for one of our equally beloved "Girls Trips". It was good for both of our souls to hang out at The Plaza together and relish in the alone time!!

And just like that, it was time to start school - HOORAY!!! Vivian was off-the-charts elated for the new Kindergarten year to begin. From the Open House to starting full days with full weeks in class, she has loved it all. It's hard not to see your best buddies all summer, and she adores her new teacher. We are so blessed to have a school we love!

Although the weather isn't quite reflecting it just yet, and September 21st may not have arrived, it IS Fall in this house! From preparations for Teal Season, to Back to School, to the early beginnings of those cool mornings...our hearts and minds are all about the best part of the year. We hope everyone had a great summer and an even better start to the new school year!!


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