Happy Hunting Season from the Vandemores!

September 7th marked the kick off of #Teal19 for this family, and Habitat Flats was ready for the lodge to be filled with guests. The evening before, we had "the boys" out to the house for a kick off party featuring Uncle Ben Fujan's spring turkey, fried by Dad!
Vivian and Dad were more than ready for Opener, and she had no problems after a long school week waking up even EARLIER than normal: 4:20 AM. You know a child has passion for an endeavor when that precious 5 year old sleep is interrupted without complaint or hesitation! Off they went to Habitat Flats to meet the guides and guests for breakfast. For Vivian, this simply meant fistfuls of donuts.
Saturday's Teal hunt brought us back to all the things we love. Early mornings in the blind with friends and family, taking in the beauty of Mother Nature. Whether water, juice or coffee was in the Yeti, all were happy with their snacks and drinks. The kiddos loved watching for Teal with a little help from the Yeti buckets! And of course, decoys took the prize as the most fun activity... Whether it was setting, rearranging, or picking up! Vivian is learning how to wade much better through water in her Cabela's waders... Although one spill was basically mandatory for her first time back in the spread. But nothing compared to the adults' love of watching their children learn the ropes in the outdoors. Passing it on, carrying on the tradition of our great hunting heritage...that's what it's all about.
After the hunt, Mom brought Victoria and met the gang at the Lodge for lunch. Meanwhile, Vivian fell asleep as expected on the way home from the hunt. 😊 The place never looked better, and the whole family had a ball. Our time is finally here, and we're so happy to see our "home away from home" in full swing! The girls grow up at the lodge, and we love it that way. Always around new people or familiar faces, lots of camo, great food, and our guide buddies. It's a wonderful environment to foster their outgoing personalities while instilling valuable lessons about respect for conservation and the importance of our hunting legacy.
Thank you for following along, and we've only just begun! And of course, keep tagging us in your youth outdoors photos. That's our favorite part - learning about how others celebrate the outdoors! Happy and safe hunting to all!