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Writer's pictureTony & Kate Vandemore

The Elves Have Landed!

The BEST time of year is here, and we have never been more excited!

Without a doubt, one of Vivian's very favorite parts of being a big sister is introducing Victoria to her very first Christmas. There are so many special traditions, decorations and songs to teach the little one about! The season has started out with no lack of parties and festivities, and we're just getting warmed up! But first, a glimpse of the girls at their two Thanksgiving parties. Victoria just turned 7 months and she's not stopping for anyone or anything to get moving! She started crawling right after she turned 6 months, and is standing up on her own already. Watch out world! Better out VIV!

The girls have been born into a family that is all about Christmas. Just ask mom, who may be buying holiday outfits in the summer...or Dad, who listens to Christmas carols in September. The house is decorated by mid-November, the fires and candles are going, the music is always's a Christmas Town around here!!

With the passing of Thanksgiving and the holidays officially underway, Vivian is all about getting down to business. We've got cookies to bake. snow to watch, and letters to Santa to write. It's a busy season with a lot of important duties, y'all. Viv takes them ALL very seriously!

We can't wait to share our holidays with you, and wish everyone the very best of the Christmas season! And don't forget...Santa's watching!!!


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